How to play YouTube playlist in reverse order

In its most general form, a playlist is simply a list of songs, but sometimes a loop. They can be played in sequential or shuffled order. The term has several specialized meanings in the realms of radio broadcasting and personal computers. A playlist can also be a list of recorded titles on a digital video disk. On the Internet, a playlist can be a list of chapters in a movie serial; for example, WWE Monday Night Raw is available on YouTube as a playlist of over 1,500 consecutive video segments. I'm a big fan of WWE and I watch both Monday Night Raw and Thursday Night Smackdown. The new videos are added to the top of the playlist and a single episode is divided into 12-15 fragments. So, the playlist is like, (for episode no., say, 78)

      Episode 78 Frag. 13
      Episode 78 Frag. 12
      Episode 78 Frag. 11
      Episode 78 Frag. 1

But it should be like,

      Episode 78 Frag. 1
      Episode 78 Frag. 2
      Episode 78 Frag. 3
      Episode 78 Frag. 13

So now, the episode is completed in a correct order. So, how to do this on YouTube? It's really very easy. Just add this extension in your Google Chrome browser: Reverse Youtube Playlist

That's how it's done!

Also, if you want to download YouTube playlists like these, visit YouTube Playlist Downloader!
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